August 22, 2022 XX CENTURY photography by DIKAYL RIMMASCH WWI US ENGINEER CORPS brass field mirror compass plan ltd. Neuchatel Switzerland All noble instruments are touched with melancholy, and artist Dikayl Rimmasch’s still photographs capture the scars and carvings of a century told in metal. XX Century is a visual tale of icons and crafstmen, and the tools that forged their path. PEACE/LOVE Vietnam War Zippo lighter long binh ‘67–’68 post WWI navy pea coat button on stamped ammunition i.d. plate flat iron bldg/Brooklyn Bridge souvenir pocket knife, c1900 Stillson pipe wrench J.J. Walworth co mfg. Boston c1900 Soviet Antonov AN—2 wingflap position indicator 1969 SCOVILL mfg. salesman card NY, NY